What’s your name?
Amy Zitelman
What do you do?
CEO and co-founder of Soom Foods. I lead the Soom Crew in making tahini a more popular pantry staple in the American market.
What vegetable best describes your personality and why?
Lettuce. Hardly ever the star of the show (or dish); I love supporting others!
Share a favorite memory or experience with fruits + veggies:
My son will be three in July. A few months ago, I was rattling off his favorite veggies for him to choose for dinner, namely cucumber and red pepper, and responded "how about broccoli?" He loves to eat the heads and throw the stems to our dog, Taz.
Anything you want people to know about?
As of May 2020, 3 out of 5 college students are experiencing basic needs insecurities, like stable housing and regular access to enough food. I'm on the board of Challah for Hunger, which supports students nationally in combating campus hunger.
Favorite kitchen tune to cook along to?
”You Can't Hurry Love” by The Supremes.